uMI® 780 - Ultra-Fast High-Resolution Digital PET/CT

Precision. Efficient.

The uMI 780 is an ultra-fast, high-resolution digital PET/CT scanner built with uEXPLORER PET technology inside. The uMI 780 offers whole-organ coverage with adaptable bed positions, transforming traditional PET/CT imaging.


High-Resolution Digital PET

  • uEXPLORER PET technology inside


  • 2.9 mm NEMA resolution


  • 2.76 mm lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) crystals

160-Slice Ultra-Fast CT

  • Built on Z-Detector technology


  • 160-slice diagnostic CT


  • 0.5 mm individual elements

30 cm Axial Field of View (FOV)

  • Acquires a skull base to mid-thigh scan in 3 bed positions*


  • 30 cm axial FOV enables complete coverage of organs without image stitching


  • High-speed scanning increases patient throughput


  • High system sensitivity boosts data acquisition and enables low dose PET scans


*Compared to standard 16 cm axial FOV PET/CT.
  • Advanced Technologies

    • Advanced technologies are standard on all systems


    • Time-of-flight, point spread function, HYPER Iterative (ROSEM), HYPER Focus, deep learning (AI) PET reconstructions, deviceless gating, metal artifact correction and more are included


    • Expands clinical capacity, helping you provide more exams for more patients


    • All-in Configurations™ maximize the potential for your PET and CT diagnostic examinations




    • AI is only as good as the data you use to train it with


    • Only CNN-based iterative reconstruction engine trained with uEXPLORER PET total-body data


    • Utilizes a pre-trained neural network to predict low noise PET images and improve image contrast

Clarity for imaging – Full Field of View Resolution


  • icon    Clarity

    2.9 mm ultra-high NEMA PET resolution improves quantitative accuracy and small lesion detection

  • icon    Sensitivity

    16 cps/kBq high system sensitivity boosts data acquisition and enables low-dose PET scans

  • icon    Speed

    30 cm axial FOV for full organ coverage

Clinical Gallery

Biz RAYMED LLC Azərbaycanda ,UIH (Unaited Imaging Healthcare) şirketinin rəsmi nümayəndəsi ve təmsilçisiyig. Məqsədimiz UIH (Unaited Imaging Healthcare) şirkətinin istesal etdiyi və istehsalinda bütün innavasiya texnalogiyalarinin əksini tapmiş oldugu avadanliqlarin ölkəmizdə tanidilmasidir.