uMR® 790 - High-Performance 3T
Performance. Unprecedented.
The uMR 790 with ultra-high gradient performance and our United Compressed Sensing (uCS) platform enables new levels of performance in spatial resolution and dynamic acquisition speed for cutting-edge neuroimaging and research.

Ultra-High Gradient Performance
With the highest amplitude available, the exceptional 90 mT/m & 200 T/m/s (simultaneous on each axis) unlock higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for neuroimaging, enabling new applications for neuroscience exploration. The excellent homogeneity and large FOV provide a solid foundation for any research application.

High-Density RF Channels
The high channel-count RF receiver architecture enables the full use of high-density surface coil arrays, thus significantly increasing image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The dedicated neuroimaging coil complements the gradient performance for cutting-edge fMRI and DTI.

uCS Platform
Platform the uCS enables efficient application of compressed sensing with a routine clinical workflow. The next-generation uCS imaging technology will push clinical boundaries of isotropic resolution and dynamic imaging speed.
uCS Imaging Technology
uCS combines the strengths of conventional acceleration technologies and innovative compressed sensing, breaking through the limits of both speed and resolution with a maximum acceleration factor of 16 and high, sub-millimeter isotropic spatial resolution.
uCS Processing Engine
The uCS Processing Engine is a high-performance computing technology including memory, data network, and premier CPU. The intelligent reconstruction algorithm complements the outstanding computational power, resulting in ultra-fast reconstruction.

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