uMR® 780 - Wide-Bore 3T

Fast. Accessible.

The uMR 780 ushers in a new era of rapid imaging with the United Compressed Sensing (uCS) 2.0 platform, breaking through the limits of both speed and resolution with a maximum acceleration factor of 36 and submillimeter isotropic resolution of 0.5 mm or less.


Expanded Imaging Capabilities

  • Wide-bore 3T magnet

  • 550 lbs. table weight capacity

  • 50 x 50 x 50 cm field of view

A Powerful 3T System

  • Gradient performance of 45 mT/m & 200 T/m/s

  • 0.055 ppm @ 30 cm DSV homogeneity (typical)

  • 48 RF receiver channels

Advanced Technologies


  • Advanced technologies are standard on all systems

  • High performance gradients, uCS 2.0 platform, advanced neurology, advanced cardiology. MSK coils and more are included

  • All-in Configurations™ maximize the potential for your MRI examinations

uCS 2.0 Platform

The uCS Platform enables efficient application of compressed sensing with a routine clinical workflow for 2D, 3D, and 4D MR exams. The next-generation uCS imaging technology pushes clinical boundaries of isotropic resolution and dynamic imaging speed.

  • uCS Imaging Technology

    uCS combines the strength of conventional acceleration technologies and innovative compressed sensing, breaking through the limits of both speed and resolution with a maximum acceleration factor of 36x and high, sub-millimeter isotropic spatial resolution.

  • uCS Processing Engine

    The uCS Processing Engine is a high-performance computing technology that includes memory, data network, and premier CPU. The intelligent reconstruction algorithm complements the outstanding computational power, resulting in ultra-fast reconstruction.

Clinical Gallery

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